Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Tree Pictures

Just some fun pictures of the kids in front of the Christmas tree. Enjoy


Yes, we did get snow last weekend with the Blizzard of 2009. It was just a little very little dusting. The boys were really excited about it. Justin really wants it to snow so we will see what happens. I don't think it will ever really snow here but maybe we will go some were where it does snow.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Justin's Preschool Christmas Program

Justin, just started preschool this month and he loves it. He's school had a little Christmas program one morning this past week. Justin did great. He got right up on stage and sang his songs and did all the hand monitions. Red and I were very proud of him. He has come along way in just the last few weeks.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thanksging Pictures

So this year Thanksgiving was a little crazy but we loved it. We had Grandma and Grandpa Rademacher out for a visit in the middle of being flooded out of our house. We made do and had a great time running around to see as much as we could in a few days.

We took them out to Edenton, which is a little town to the west of us. (Yes, its weird saying to the west of us. I am used to saying to the east of us.) They have a great little river light house that they took off the river and are hopping to restore. Plus they have one of the better parks around.

Then we took them to the Outer Banks for some shopping and beach combing and to another light house. We went and saw the Bodie Lighthouse. Well they did I stayed in the van with Jacob since he was sleeping. We had a great time. I will always love the beach. It has such a calming effect for me. Even after the storm. I loved it.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


We are finally home. It's been almost three weeks that we have been out of our house since it flooded. Never again do I want to do this. Our world is not ours to control and letting that happen is one of the hardest things I have ever done. We were lucky since we had a place to go but just thinking of what it would have been like to not have a place to go was scary. In this last few weeks I have given up so much control over things. I can't believe it. I spent a lot of time in prayer and giving so much over to God. He carried us though this.