Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's a .....

We are super excited to announce that the Rademacher family will be adding a little girl to our family in May of 2011.  Everyone from mommy and daddy down to the boys are happy to be adding a little girl in.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and  a Happy New Year from our family to yours.

Snow Snow Snow

It snowed  and snowed  and snowed  here the day after Christmas.  We got a white day after Christmas and let me tell you the boys loved it.  This was the third snow fall this December.  The other two times it snowed but there wasn't really enough snow for the boys to play in,  Lots for Mommy to slip but not to play in.  So there we are three days after the snow started and still have a large amount of snow.  It snowed between 4 to 6 inches of snow.  The boys played in the snow three different times the first day and Red helped them to build a sledding hill on the front porch.  Now the boys just want to go sledding down the front steps of the house.

Baxter and the boys

We got the new kitten Baxter a few months ago and the boys love him.  He plays with them and sometimes will even nap with them if they get to watch a movie which we have been doing a lot of since its Christmas break.  Baxter loves to lay on blankets so we caught this cute moment on camera.

Gingerbread House

This year we decide to buy a gingerbread house for the boys to put together and decorate.  We keep having to postpone decorating the house because Red was sent out on a search and rescue call.  So when we finally got to do it the boys had a great time decorating it.  We gave the boys each one half of the house to decorate and they seemed to enjoy it.

Jacob learning to ride a two wheeler

Jacob was able to learn how to ride his two wheeler in November.  He is getting better at it every day he tries to ride. He loves to ride up and down the drive way or trying to keep up on a bike ride with Red and Justin.

Jacob's Christmas Program

Jacob did a great job with his Christmas program at school.  He loved the singing and man did he sing.  Jacob sang every song and he looked good.


What a busy month November was.  From two sets of visitors to a birthday and a holiday.  Could November have gotten any busier.  Yes, I am sure that it could have.   We loved.  Thanks to those who came and visited us. Happy Birthday to my great husband.  So many things to be thankful for this year.  Enjoy my look back at November in pictures.