Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School

Justin's art work the first day of Kindergraten
This is the only picture he wanted to take.
Making special pizza's for dinner.
Jacob just cheese please!
Finished product.
Justin started school last Friday.  Here in Camden county they do what's called a staggered start.  The school year started last Wednesday but Justin didn't have to go until Friday. There was only seven other kids in his class the first day.  He really liked it.  He was shy, oh course, for the beginning ,but he seemed to be warming up when we left.  He did charge his lunch the first day since they didn't tell him to get his lunch box.  It's okay. Lots of things going on the first day of school.  He love riding the bus and was excited to get to ride it this morning.  Way to go Justin.  We are proud of you and love you.  And no I didn't cry but I am lonely with out him.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Future Coastie

I love the smushed face and that little grin. 
Jacob loves to play with Red's headset.  After coming home from this last deployment he had all of his stuff sitting in the rocking chair.  Now  the temptation was just to much for Jacob.  I came into the living room to find  him with Red headset on, gloves on and his cover on.  It was to cute to miss not taking a picture of.  If you ask Jacob what he is going to do when he grows up he most of the time will tell you that he is going to be in the Coast Guard.  Future Coastie in training.

Redneck Water Slide

I have to say it. I am broad with the pool. I am tired of washing bath suites and towels every day. Now the boys love it. They want to go swimming every day they can. To try and do something different we have had the boys going down there slide in the back yard, you can have lots of fun with just a slide some water and dish soap. So came the water slide. I was just using the slide, but Red came home and said wait I have something to add to it. Out comes the trap cover for the pool cover. Add just a little bit more soap and some water and you get the Redneck Water Slide. The boys had a blast, I loved it also. I will admit that I started them playing on it because its funny to watch the slip and slide every were. :-)

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Since our new house has a pool in the backyard, the boys love to go swimming every night. Justin is going to turn into a little fish, he is doing great with swimming. He did two rounds of swim lesson at the YMCA this spring and now getting to swim every night is really good for him. He LOVES to jump in the pool. He is always making up these crazy names for his jumps. He does still use arm floaties but he is spending more and more time without them. Jacob is doing well also. He likes things to be very calm in the water. He doesn't like to jump in. You can't throw him up in the air. He just likes to float around in his live vest or arm floaties. Sometimes he gets into doing fun things but other wise he likes things to be calm. UMMM much like Mommy's does, Justin is wild and crazy like his Daddy.