Saturday, May 22, 2010

Strawberries Strawberries

A week ago Friday I got the privilege of going with Justin's preschool class to pick Strawberries at a local strawberry farm. What a great morning. I drove Justin and Jacob with one of Justin's classmates. Then we met up at the farm and picked and picked Strawberries. Justin got a little basket from the school and I borrowed a bucket from the farm and away we went. The boys did a great job picking the ripe strawberries. I think that Jacob ate more then he picked, but he was having fun so it was fine. We picked Strawberries for about an hour and got just about 13 pounds of Strawberries. So we now have a freezer full of frozen strawberries to go though the summer with yummy.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Justins Birthday Party

Happy Birthday Justin. I can't believe were the last four years have gone. Looking forwarding to watching you grow this next year. I love you. Happy Fifth Birthday.

Fishing with Grandpa Rademacher

The boys and Red got to go fishing with Grandpa Rademacher one day while we were in California. The boys had a blast. They each got kids sized fishing polls and a boat ride. They loved it. Justin and Jacob were not to sure about touch the fish at first but the got used to it and loved it. Justin and Jacob with little help from Grandpa Rademacher caught six fish and Daddy caught zero fish. My little fishermen.