Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fun with Grandma and Grandpa Couch

Buried at the beach

Can you find the bunny that helped Jacob

Trying on our new swimsuite

Swimming for the first time

A shark ate us!!

Pretty girl

Sky Wheel in Myrtle Beach Jaoc and Red rode on it

Watch out GG it's going to eat us!!

My cuties
My mom and dad took a few days to come out and visit us.  The end of July begining of August.  We had a fun time with Grandma and Grandpa.  We went to Myrtle Beach South Carolina, the Outer Banks, shopping and to visit the Virgina Beach Aquirium. 

Busch Gardens

Tea cups

little roller coaster that they both loved

My pretty girl

Our new ear muffs for Justin

Cool girl
The fourth of July weekend we took the boys to Busch Gardens Williamsburg using our free military tickets.  Justin was a little worried at first and didn't want to ride any rides.  Can we say a little fustrating.  Jacob wanted to ride every ride and he did.  After about two hours Justin warmed up and was riding all the rides.  We even stayed for the fireworks which were fun.  We were a little worried about Justin and the loud noise of the fireworks but he did it and enjoyed the fireworks for the first time in six years.  Way to go buddy.


Getting ready to bat.  Justin's coach the one standing with him. Left after so many games and stopped coming.

Bring it home Justin.
Justin asked to play T-ball this year and so we finally signed him up.  Jacob wasn't old enough to play this year.  You must be five or older to play.   It was pretty crazy let me tell you.  We played two games a week with no practices.  Not really sure it Justin learned all the much but he had a great time and that's what counts for him.  He was really good at playing.  As each game went by he would get better.  I think that Justin is going to do very well in sports.

The Zoo for Fathers Day

Asian Red Panda

Jacob's favorite animal

This peacock was showing his true colors for the boys.
This year we decide to go to the Norfolk zoo for Fathers Day.  Then have dinner where ever Red picked.  We had a great time at the zoo the boys love running around at the zoo and getting to see everything.  They really loved getting to see the new Trail of the Tiger.We did get rained on but that's okay we had a great time and the rain came at the very end.